A Geek Tragedy
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
My TV is stupid. Everyone and everything on it is just plain stupid. Channel 2... Stupid, channel 3... Stupid, channel 4 doesn't come in too well, channel 5... stupid. It's just people on the TV just do stupid things to get laughs, and the audience laughs because they, in turn, are stupid too. Then, there are these reality shows with people doing things I've never seen ANYONE do in reality. I wish there was a knob on my TV that makes people smarter. There IS one labeled "Brightness", but that didn't work. More than that, I wish I had a small button on my remote that allowed me to send a mild electrical shock to whomever is on TV. I know for a fact that I would end up abusing this power, but in the meantime, a lot of people would get what's coming to them. That moron on the news who is protesting something that only an idiot would protest (Which is why he's protesting in the first place) and the girl on the daytime talk show would get about seven hundred and thirty volts every time she says "You don't know me!" Listen, Sweets. I DO know you, which is why I continuously push this little button. You are a 15-year-old girl who is obnoxiously headstrong and is in dire need of a tush-whoopin'. You parade around in your little tramp outfit and whore-like makeup palate all in a a vain attempt to come off as an adult capable of making informed personal decisions. Not foolin' anybody. Except maybe that idiot over on channel 8. He'd buy anything.